With new fad diets constantly emerging and claiming to be revolutionary in achieving fat loss it isn’t surprising that people have become confused as to how to achieve their fat shedding goals. In fact, it couldn’t be simpler.

Losing fat doesn’t need to be complicated. The main principle is to ensure you are maintaining a calorie deficit, and this starts in the kitchen. If you burn off more calories than you consume and stick to these 5 Simple fat loss basics and you’ll be well on your way to shedding fat.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Don’t buy junk foods. It may sound obvious but if you don’t have junk food in your house then you won’t end up raiding the cupboards and seeing off a full packet of biscuits (We’ve all been there!). Sticking to this will also mean having self control when you do your food shop. Making a shopping list will help you to do this, as you will know exactly what you need so you can grab it and get out as soon as possible. It will also stop you from aimlessly wandering down every aisle including those with all the crisps and sweets. 

Buy Ingredients, Not Meals

As a general rule, stay clear of processed foods and pre-prepared meals with long ingredients lists. These foods tend to be highly calorific as well as full of trans fat, sugar and salt. Instead, fill your fridge and cupboards with meats, vegetables and whole grains as ingredients to cook your own meals from scratch.

Eat Plenty of Protein

Eating a diet high in protein is beneficial when trying to lose fat because not only is protein satiating, it is also thermogenic meaning its consumption increases metabolic rate. The best way to increase your protein intake is to eat foods such as fish, meat, eggs, beans and pulses. Try to eat 2-3g of protein per kg of bodyweight. If you don’t have a big appetite or you’re occasionally short of time taking a good quality protein supplement is an easy way of increasing your protein intake. However protein supplements should be taken alongside a diet full of unprocessed whole foods and shouldn’t replace them.

Don’t avoid Fat

Don’t be afraid of fat. Yes, it’s calorific, but fat plays a role within many bodily functions and isn’t just stored as fat tissue like a lot of people believe. It is required for brain function, hormone production and is a major component of body cells. Making sure you’re eating plenty of fat will also help suppress your appetite and will help prevent cravings. As a guideline, 25%-30% of total energy intake should be provided by fat and this can be achieved by eating foods such as; oily fish, nuts, avocados and olive oil.

Carbohydrate Conundrum

Cutting out carbs completely from your diet is unnecessary and will make your diet really restrictive. Remember, carbohydrate is your body’s preferred energy source. Therefore going extremely low with your carbohydrate intake will likely make you lethargic and won’t allow you to get the most out of any exercise you do. In addition, when dieting carbohydrates are what is usually manipulated as time goes on in order to produce consistent fat loss. Therefore removing all carbohydrates at the start of a diet means that when the body becomes adapted to the lack of carbs and fat loss stops, protein and fat intake will have to be reduced in order to lower calorie intake.  This isn’t beneficial to overall health as protein and fat play important roles within the body.