The Sun has come out to play over the past week and everyone is walking round with a slightly pink tinge. Whilst we all want this weather to continue we also need to be conscious of how much water we are drinking. The higher temperature means everything we do will cause us to sweat more than we normally would, even sleeping!

Functions of Water

Water makes up about 60% of the body and without it we can only survive a matter of days. So it’s kind of a big deal! It is required by all cells within the body and has many functions.

- Body Temperature Regulation.

- Transport of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

- Removal of waste products.

- Metabolic Reactions.

How much water do I need to drink?

The recommended water intake is 2-2.5L. However, when it comes to water its not one size fits all. Water requirements vary largely between individuals depending on factors such as body weight/size and hormone levels. The requirements of an individual also fluctuate daily depending on activity levels and body temperature. For example a rider in the Tour de France may need to consume as much as 10L of water due to the large amount of water lost through sweating.

The warning signs and symptoms of dehydration

Whilst your out in the Sun makes sure you pay attention to your body and the way you are feeling as this can help you detect signs of dehydration and nip it in the bud. Here are some of the signs to watch out for:

- Thirst

- Headaches

- Dizziness

- Fatigue

- Constipation

- Dry Mouth

- Dark coloured urine.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

- Keep a bottle of water with you throughout the day.

- If you’re thirsty have a glass of water.

- Eat fruit and vegetables with every meal as they have high water content.

- Have a drink of water with every meal.

- Have a glass of water first thing in the morning as during the night you will have gone a long period without drinking.

- If you are exercising make sure you drink water before during and after.

- Also if it is a really sunny day and you want to exercise outdoors, either train early morning or in the evening when the temperature is a bit cooler.